Saturday, January 12, 2008

First Week Went Well

Once we got to school, the only one who cried was me!  The first day was pretty easy once we got there.  There was much whining and screaming before we headed out, though.  Now, we actually have to get her up instead of allowing her to sleep until she awakens.  Not that the latter assures a whine free morning, either, but I do think it is better.  So, I have to try to get her to bed earlier.  Days 2, 3 and 4 were a bit tougher and I had to stay for an hour before she was ready for me to leave.  Friday morning I didn't event get to sit down before Mrs. S. told me I could go.  How sad for me!  And Friday morning, the first thing The Bean said after her usual "Yum-yums, Mommy! Yum-yums!" was "More school!"  

Oh, and I remembered to pat myself on the back when I realized that my daughter is not a statistic!!!  She only chooses to play with the brown babies in school.  And thank goodness they have them (I have found a toy woodmaker who makes people of different shades.  Let's just say the school is in for a few donations).  It is gratifying to see that The Bean chooses those dolls over the white dolls - even though they are closer to her own complexion.  She sees brown as positive and good, not negative and of less value.

A few more highlights from the week: I probably lost 2 lbs or so since The Bean needed to nurse like a newborn when she got home from her action packed days; during one of her naps in my lap she laughed out loud - heartily!; and yesterday, as she sat on the toilet and I waited for my wiping duties to commence, I said out loud and wistfully, "You're getting so big!"  Her response, "I sorry, Mommy."  Hilarious!

On the knitting front: I knit a gnome for school - with tan yarn, of course.  And I finally finished N's convertible mittens.  And I realized yesterday was the 11th and it would be nice to finish M's Christmas gift in time for his birthday next month, February 11.  But, I cast on for a pair of longies for The Bean.  It's getting cold again, so, I'd like her to have some.  Plus, I need to knit some of the longies yarn stash.

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