Saturday, July 26, 2008

Guess I *Was* Crazy!

Turns out the girl had pinworms.  


And I only found out by relaying the story in the previous entry to a coworker, at the end of which she said, "Ya know, you may want to consider whether she has pinworms."  I'd never heard of them.  Then I had the creepy experience of looking up pinworms on the internet and learning of these worms living in my baby's intestines and crawling out of her anus at night or early morning to lay eggs!  She was at the doc the next day.  Initial test came back negative, but a freaking week later, the samples hubby and I took came back positive.  Yesterday he tells me he thinks the lab lost the samples and gave us a positive result just because.  Really.  So, all the ass-scratchin', owie-owie-ing and screaming had nothing to do with pinworms.  Now, I know his paranoia knows no bounds.

On to better news. . . .  After our miscarriage two months ago about which I obviously did not blog, we got ourselves a brand new BFP!  Praying this one sticks!  And I already think it's a girl, even though my period is due just today.  Wouldn't be me if I weren't running 5 miles ahead of myself!

Monday, July 7, 2008

That's crazy!

Sometimes, I just can't believe Beany-Bean-Bean is just 2.  Two going on 22 is what we say around here!  Her use of phrases and language in general, in context, just continue to surprise and delight me.  Take last night for instance:

"My heiny itches."

"How can that be?  You  just got out of the tub!  Didn't Papi clean your heiny?"


"Do you want some boo-boo balm?"

"Yes."  So, I apply some . . . "I do it!"  She applies some.

"Bean, I don't think your heiny was really itching.  I think you just wanted some boo-boo balm."

"That's crazy!"  That really tickled me!