Monday, December 3, 2007

They say children know

So, yesterday, The Bean was sitting on my lap and pushing on my squooshy belly as she loves to do.  And she points and says, "Baby".  Hmm.  Just two days prior I was searching the internet to see if a RAGING YEAST INFECTION could be an early sign of pregnancy?  And, what do you know?  It can be!  So, tonight, after she sniffs my breasts to determine which one has milk in it - this I found to be very interesting indeed - I ask her if I have a baby in my belly?  She says, "yes" and smiles.  I ask if it's a boy or a girl?  "Boy," she says very matter of factly and with little hesitation.  Hmmmm.  Well, I'll know by the end of the week whether I'm pregnant or technically infertile as this will have been the 6th month that we bd'd during the fertile period and since I'm over 35, failure 6 times in a row means infertility.

I'm so tired of getting the BFN that I haven't even POS'd once this go 'round, let alone incessantly as I'd been doing!

Gosh, I hope what they say is true!